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Responsible Life Form, Tupelo Quarterly
“Father,” — (fall 2024)
Verse Daily
“Death of Venus” — Image Issue 122
“Elegy for Winter,” The Laurel Review
(fall 2024)
Through Lines Magazine “Nowhere with Him” (retitled to “[I go from room to room]”) and “Chicago, 1979” inaugural issue
“Letter,” The Indianapolis Review
“If Only / If Only,” and “At the Beauty Shop with My Mother II” — Tupelo Quarterly Issue 32
(fall 2024)
International Human Rights Art Festival (IHRF), Voices of Ukraine: Impressions Around a War, “Home”
(April 2022)
“In Loss’s Motion,” “Hand-Me-Downs,” “Root Cellar” and "Luda, the Girl Who Was My Best Friend.” — South Florida Poetry Journal
(Fall 2024) Poetry #25
Poet Lore “The Twilight of the Night”
(fall 2022)
At the Beauty Shop with My Mother
(May 2021) At the Beauty Shop
Through Lines Magazine “Nowhere with Him” (retitled to “[I go from room to room]”) and “Chicago, 1979” inaugural issue
(December 2022)
The Pleasure is in the Work
(Issue 25, November 2022) Four Way Review
Thanatos & Eros, Posthumously, and DEAD BODIES ARE THEIR LINEAGE
( Poetry ) Week 41
Whisper It To Me
(Fall 2024) Matter Monthly
Sitting Shiva
(Fall 2024) Matter Monthly
On the Other Side of Beauty
(Fall 2024) Matter Monthly
Drunken Night for Two Voices
(Fall 2024) Matter Monthly
Voice of America
(spring 2021) Mantis
Don't Tell the Women
(October 2020) The Write Launch
Time of Death
(spring 2021) Mantis
In the Fish Tank
(forthcoming) The Concrete Desert Review
Locked (Via Auxerre France)
(October 2020) The Write Launch
(September 2020) Saccharine Poetry
(October 2020) The Write Launch
(Spring 2021) Lenin Mantis Review
The Flow of Good & Evil
(forthcoming) The Concrete Desert Review
Elegy for Winter," The Laurel Review
(Fall 2024)
Amour Absolu
(August 2020) Red Fez
In the Footsteps of Telemachus
(August 2020) Bangalore Review
Taking Down the New Year's Tree
(August 2020) The Lake
Sunday Morning
(September 2020) Saccharine Poetry
(September 2020) Saccharine Poetry
Birth's Order
(September 2020) Saccharine Poetry
The Recluse "Tempera"
(September 2020) The Poetry Project's
Ode to Strunk and White
(October 2020) Rabid Oak
The Long Drive
(November 2020) Wild Roof Journal
Day's Break and "Portrait of Bella
(November 2020) Aji Magazine
Together, Alone
(November 2020, Pandemic edition) Sleet
Untitled II (If I Were a Bird)
(December 2020) Otis Nebula
The Roar at Wrigley Field
(April 2020) Small Orange Journal
Walking Through the Underworld
(June 2020)
A Love Song
(June 2020)
Sunspot Literary Journal "Unrequited by the Sun
(June 2020)
From LA with Love
(July 2020)
Motel Room 1
(July 2020) Wild Roof Journal
One Afternoon in Amsterdam
(January 2020) The Indianapolis Review
The Apartment on Russian Hill
(January 2020) The Indianapolis Review
On Beauty Betrodden
(January 2019) The Hunger
(September 2019) Spillway
Out of the Frame
(February 2019) Prelude
Closer to Rome
(October 2019) Small Orange Journal
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